BITBYBIT is the physical dissection of a brotherhood. Sometimes shrunken to a scanty look of recognition or rather enlarged to mythical proportions like Cain and Abel (brotherly hate) or Castor and Pollux (brotherly love). They mold themselves to each other’s manly images or rather attempt to escape them. They openly confront who they became thanks to and despite of one another.
However, because they’re brothers, they’ll always remain inescapably condemned to each other.
- Concept: Simon Bruyninckx, Vincent Bruyninckx & Kasper Vandenberghe
- Performers: Simon Bruyninckx & Vincent Bruyninckx
- Direction: Kasper Vandenberghe
- Dramaturgy: Matthias Velle
- Internal management: Leon Rogissart
- Music: Dijf Sanders
- Costume: Johanna Trudzinski
- Exercise supervisor: Esse Vanderbruggen
- Production: Leon Rogissart
- Sound: Anthony Caruana & Sofia ZaïdiLIGHT – Olivier Duris & Benjamin Eugène
- Technical support and assembly: Kunstencentrum BUDA
- Financial Director: Lieselotte Deforce
- Financial advice: Wim Viaene & Wouter Vermeylen
- Communication: Zoë Hoornaert
- Broadcast: Emma Ketels | je buro
With the support of: De Vlaamse overheid, De Stad Gent & taxshelter van de Belgische federale, Overheid
Collaborators: Collectif Malunés
CIRKLABO/30CC, C-TAKT, KAAP, Miramiro, Perplx, Perpodium, Theater op de Markt – Dommelhof, workspacebrussels
workspacebrussels, MiraMiro, CAMPO, Perplx, Jatka78 Praag, Theater op de Markt – Dommelhof
Parc de la Festa
4 € / 3 €
+ 8 years old