A Rienda Suelta is the new production of Cia. Du’K’tO, a 45-minute street show for all audiences, which brings together three of the company’s founding members. The show puts human relationships, play, and public space at the centre of creation.
A Rienda Suelta is to let yourself be carried away; it is to let your imagination fly through play and memory, enjoying this moment collectively. Three friends who have fun with each other and with the audience, expressing themselves in the language of acrobatics, dance, and humour.
The show sets off from simple and recognizable games that, with this “letting yourself go” by the group itself, ends up building more complex and virtuous movement structures. The company presents a proposal full of vitality, humour, and plasticity, which aims to create new opportunities for us to relate to each other in the public space.
- Original idea and production: Cia. Du’K’tO
- Artistical direction: Lucio A. Baglivo
- Choreographical external gaze: Laia Santanach
- Musical composition: Pol Jubany
- Artists: Adrián Pérez, Bàrbara Vidal and Bernat Messeguer
- Audiovisual material: Raul Cavero Garrido
- Premiered in: Fira Tàrrega ’23 (CAT)
- Distribution: Fani Benages and Bernat Messeguer
Partners: Cronopis Espai de Circ a Mataró (CAT), Centre d’Investigació Escènica (IB), Teatre Principal (IB), Fira de Circ al Carrer (CAT), SC Sant Jaume (CAT) and Aula de Teatre (CAT).
With the suport of: Oficina de Suport a la Iniciativa Cultura del Departament de Cultura from Catalan government and el Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics from Balearic Government.
Show recommended by Programa.cat, Circoescena, EKO Pirineos de Circo, Espai de Carrer and selected to Explosio de Circ.
Sant Francesc Parking area
All audiences