FORADADA is inspired by the legend of the Foradada rock of Montserrat. It is a daring piece that uses a hybrid language, where the protagonist navigates through their own prisons. With an uncomfortable body, wicker baskets, acrobatics, and skin, it proposes a song to dissidence, claiming the right to exist.
- Creator and project leader (portora): Àfrica Llorens
- External gaze and dramaturgy: Gina Vila Bruch
- External gaze and gender: Veronica Capozzoli
- Creation and sound coordination: Mau P. Pradas
- Music: Mar Grimalt
- Lighting creation: Berta Perez Torres and Ivan Tomasevic
- Costumes: Elisa Valls
- Scenography: Betty Cau
- Baskets and wicker: Joan Farré
- Pillows: Pilar Marsal
With the support of: Coproductions with Fira Mediterrània of Manresa (Obrador d'Arrel) and Festival de Llegendes de Catalunya. With the support of Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura, Figueres es MOU - Agitart y la Communauté de communes Cazals-Salviac (Lot), L'Astrada Marciac (Gers, FR), Coopdecirc, Collectif Primavez and Cirque Lambda.
With the complicity of: Cal Xerta de Sant Pere de Riudebitlles (CAT), C.I.N.E Sineu (Mallorca), Teatre NU de Sant Martí de Tous (CAT), Garaion Soringunea (Euskadi), CRAC Espacio Unico de Cuacos de Yuste (Extremadura), Le Tracteur de Cintegabelle (Occitanie, FR), Cal Gras d' Avinyó (CAT), Latitud 50 a Grand Marchin (Belgium), Centre d'Art i Natura de Farrera (CAT), Konvent de Cal Rosal (CAT), Association des Clous a Assier (Lot, FR), Circ'Adour de Jû-Belloc (Gers, FR) and Figueres a Escena
Jardí de la Casa Rull
3 € / 2 €
+ 12 years old