
The circus company Trocos Lucos was born in 2019 by three young artists from Madrid. United by the desire to professionalize and create a show around their main circus technique: the Korean teeterboard.
Since then and after the creation in 2020 of Tartana their street show, they have toured throughout Spain and Portugal in festivals as important as Circada in Seville, Kalealdia in Euskadi, La Bisbal in Catalonia, Summer Scenes in Madrid, Festival of Sines in Portugal... They have also collaborated in other shows and projects such as Ethos produced by the Community of Madrid and Chisgarabís or Eneida produced by La Joven Compañía and the Circo Price Theatre. They have also collaborated in teaching and altruistic events with entities such as the Carampa Circus School, Clowns in Rebellion, Clowns without Borders and Madpac.
Curretly the company is formed by four members and they continue touring with the show Tartana, as well as a short piece of Korean teeterboard for Cabarets. Its staging is characterized by a casual and fresh tone; by a dialogue between the comic of peculiar characters and the risk and precision of the impressive acrobatics on the Korean teeterboard.
- Co-direction and artists: Ismael Pérez Fandos, Juan de las Casas, Guillermo Tricas and Cira Cabasés
- Circus technique: Korean plank
Add to my calendar (Friday 10 - 22:30)
Add to my calendar (Saturday 11 - 22:30)