A proposal by emerging artists from the Centre de les Arts del Circ Rogelio Rivel, a centre of national and international reference and a training platform for a large number of Catalan and international circus artists. This work is the result of the diversity of its creators and performers with different visions of techniques such as acrobatics, straps, xinesa perxa, acro clown, fixed trapeze and acrodansa.
- Scenic direction: CACRR and Pablo Molina
- Artists: Aloïs Boyer (straps), Amaia Leoz (Chinese hanger), Daniel Blázquez (acroclown), Michael Picard (acrobatics), Eladio Sánchez (straps), Luana Flores (acrodance), Rita Córcoles (static trapeze) and Shaïmâa Benkirane (acrobatics)
This show is included in the "Circuit d'acompanyament 360º a artistes emergents de circ" (Acompanying Circuit 360º for Emerging Circus Artists). This mesure is part of the Plan to Promote the Circus, an initiative from the Departament de Cultura to reinforce circus industry throughout its value chain: from creation and production to exhibition and distribution.
Plaça de la Cultura de la Pau
+ 6 years old