Masacrade is a 45 minutes performance for all audiences, 7 acts of mini-flying trapeze, 1 voice over, 3 performers, 1 inflatable maBress, 25 costumes et 1 arsonist technician. Masacrade is a fight between absurdity and logic, where we look for the meaning of death in order to understand the meaning of life, or beBer yet where we make sense of living by pracIcing dying before we die... 7 acts of flying trapeze; not the 7 lives of a cat but the 7 deaths of the Marcels. Could this be a lucky number ?
In an epic exploraIon of the non-sense of life, Masacrade delights in turning death’s pages. The passing that strikes, that we fear, which we would prefer to choose, or face with panache, upon which we can stumble inadvertently, the one that will inevitably catch up with us in the end... death. For choosing one’s own death is no easy feat; an easy feat would be to die aSer being deceased. During this fatal ceremony, our protagonists, guided by a narraIng voice-over, will quesIon that without which passing would be of no substance, and a tomb would shelter nothing but nothingness because it is the source of all existence... they will quesIon life.
- Writting and performing : Marine Fourteau, Angèle Guilbaud, Marcel Vidal Castells
- Writting and sound : Théo Godefroid
- Writtingand dramaturgy : Claire Schumm
- Stage management : Thomas Barès
- AdministraIon : Chloé Delpierre
- ProducIon & booking : Emilie Dubois
Co-producers and résidencies : Théâtre ONYX, Scène convenIonnée - St Herblain • Nil Obstrat – Nil Admirari - Saint Ouen l’Aumône • Atelier 231, Centre NaIonal des Arts de la Rue et de l'Espace Public – SoBeville-les-rouen • La Cascade, Pôle NaIonal Cirque - Pôle NaIonal Cirque Ardèche - Auvergne-Rhônes- Alpes • Le Palc, Pôle NaIonal Cirque Grand Est – Chalon-en-Champagne • L'Eclat, Scène ConvenIonnée d’Intérêt NaIonal « Art, enfance, jeunesse » • Plateforme 2 Pôles Cirque en Normandie / La Brèche à Cherbourg et le Cirque-Théâtre d’Elbeuf Résidence confirmée (co-produc;on en aGente) : CIRCa, Pôle NaIonal Cirque Auch Gers Occitanie • Le Plongeoir, Cité du Cirque - Pôle Cirque Le Mans
Provision of premises : Théâtre Wolubilis - Bruxelles
Subsidies : DRAC Normandie • Région Normandie • Conseil départemental de la Seine-MariIme (CD76)
Àrea d’aparcament de Sant Francesc
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