
Lady Panda

Clara Poch / Mumusic Circus
Clara Poch / Mumusic - Circus Lady Panda

A naked, honest and vulnerable circus.

“Lady Panda” was born as a metaphor to explore the abyss of human polarities, social confusion and the impact of the passing of the years. The scenery of a gigantic pendulum that symbolizes the vital turn and inevitable cycles of a personal story told through the circus, live music, singing and dance.

Clara Poch focuses on deadlock riddle and the contrast of extremes to talk about evolution and transformation in a poetic and visual work under the slogan “A life I forgot to live.”

A reflexion on the inevitable sacrifice, the necessary loss of something to make way for the next and the desire to recover what is left behind without happening due to involuntary confusion or collective inability. A gravitational journey, an aesthetic, corporal and emotional work.

  • Concept and authorship: Clara Poch
  • General direction: Clara Poch
  • Dramaturgic consultant: Jordi Oriol
  • Choreographical gaze: Roser López Espinosa
  • Sound design: Clara Poch
  • Instrumentation/composition: Marçal Calvet
  • Scenographical props: Clara Poch and Marçal Calvet
  • Estructure (2007): Lluc Castells and Pep Codolosa
  • Costumes design: Clara Poch
  • Set of lights: Marçal Calvet
  • Photography: David Ruano
  • Artists: Carla Farreny and Clara Poch
  • Life musician and technician: Marçal Calvet
  • Distribution: Magrana Escena
  • Production: Mumusic Circus SL
  • Executive production: Alfred Fort (La Destil·leria) and Clara Poch
  • Coproduction: Festival Grec 2023
  • Subsidy: ICEC

With the support of Can Gassol / Cultura Mataró, La Central del Circ, L’Estruch - Fàbrica de creació de les Arts en Viu, Ayuntamiento de Sant Celoni, Ayuntamiento de Sant Esteve de Palautordera – Taula de Cultura

Saturday 11 22:00

La Palma




3 € / 2 €

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