The submerged voice is a multidisciplinary piece that puts circus and movement in dialogue with an unusual medium, water. A large aquarium full of water serves as a pretext to talk about silences, barriers and overcoming. It is a path to the depths of the subconscious through the experience of apnea, where sound and light are the protagonists. A piece that investigates body movement in relation to breathing, weight, voice and the element of water.
This proposal revolves around breathing as a basic human experience between the individual and the totality, as a hinge between power and weakness, related to the emission of the voice and, referring rather to its physiological explanation, as a hinge between movement and stillness; “our first and last breath marks the beginning and the end of life. A baby’s first breath, perceived by its cry, contains a symbolic meaning
of joining humanity. It is the breath of life. I am here, he says. Listen to me. Witness my efforts to exist and to communicate.The last breath is raspy, irregular, forced. Or it may be virtually imperceptible. It says: I am abandoning breath, which is abandoning life, and between the first inhalation and the last exhalation the whole of life takes place, continually rising and falling, inhaling the outside and exhaling the unnecessary, taking in and letting go” (Carel 2016:128).
Apnea as a risky practice, the constant relationship with the element of water and the aquatic acro movement inside and outside the aquarium make this show an unconventional circus piece.
- Authorship and performance: Maria Palma
- Direction and dramaturgy: Anna Pascual
- Body work and movement: Anna Calsina
- Vocal collaboration: Nihan Devecioglu
- Lighting design: Manoly Rubio
- Technical coordination and lighting technician on tour: Wanja Kahlert
- Sound creation and music on stage: Lluís Casahuga
- Musical collaboration: Clara Peya
- Costumes: Anna Domingo (CajaNegra)
- Scenography construction: Uli Weigel, Manipulados Santiga S.L.
- Executive production: Clara Faura
- Logistical production: Manel Rosés
- Video: Tristán Pérez-Martín
- Photography: Jordi Plana and Lluís Casahuga
- Distribution: Magrana Escena
With the advises and the complicit gaze of Fabrizio Giannini
Acknowledgments: Clara Basiana, David Belmonte, Sébastien Davis-VanGelder, Oriol Escursell, Joan and Sara, Jose Luís and Jordi, CN Kallipolis, Roberto Magro, Albert Oliveres, Didac Palma, Armando Rabanera, Bruno Valls and Frédéri Vernier
With the support and the collaboration of: La Grainerie, Estruch Fàbrica de Creació de les Arts en Viu, Teatre Llevant, Rocaumbert/CAM, El Invernadero, Can Grau-Festival Cantilafont/Cardant Cultura
Public collaborators: ICEC – Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals i OSIC (Oficina de Suport a la Iniciativa Cultural de Catalunya). This project has counted with the support of the Grants “Premis Barcelona 2020” from Barcelona Council.
Zirkòlika Prize to the Best Artist / Emerge Company 2023
Fundació Joan Brossa – Centre de les arts lliures i programa de suport a la creació de Fira TàrregaaFundació Joan Brossa – Centre de les arts lliures and program to support creation of Fira Tàrrega
La Palma
3 € / 2 €
+ 8 years old