
la grUtesca

escarlata - la grUtesca

la grUtesca is a distillate of sound thoughts and poetical actions that dialogue creating a poetic and a provocative collage and questioning the role and the future of laugh and freedom in society.

The spontaneous laughter is a sound sculpture, ephemeral and on the move, caused by impulses that shake very hidden muscles from the human anatomy, by altering it and transform it. When we laugh, we don’t even know how our face is like. It is a cosmical transit and a loss of the gravity of the rational life; it is an experience that transits to instants of death in our daily life, and it transforms us to wiser and modest persons. Laughter liberates us. Laughter is freedom.

Laughter has as much definitions as persons are in the world; but what is in common to everyone is that laughter is sonorous. Bet Miralta and Jordi Aspa, the souls of the escarlata company, invited us to rediscover our personal relationship with the laughter and to discover if laughter, and so freedom, is nowadays in danger.

Everything happens in a space with low light. To come in, it will be necessary to create and exchange objects. Once inside, the sound experiment starts, the trip to the world of laughter begins. Helium balloon, stones, ladders, dancers, gramophones laughing, self-portraits gravitating and smoke papers dancing a waltz. 

The poetical universe deployed by la grUtesca is a very personal reinterpretation of the world of circus by escarlata, a company with 35 years of history.

  • Idea: escarlata
  • Artists: Bet Miralta and Jordi Aspa
  • Multifaceted technicians: Oriol Luna and/or Pep Arumí
  • Dramaturgy: Marc Villanueva and escarlata
  • Sporadic inspirer: Sergi López
  • Sound design: Jordi Salvadó
  • Musical universe: Joana Gomila
  • Scenography design: Oriol Corral
  • Lighting design: escarlata and Oriol Corral
  • Costumes: Oriol Corral
  • Comunication: Cio Llopis
  • Production: Bet Miralta and Alfred Fort per la Destil·leria
  • Production assistance: Gina Aspa
  • Structure construction: Uli
  • Grand stand construction: Manu
  • Video: Alex Macias
  • Graphic design: Diego Ingold
  • Child voice: Guisla Pérez Sampons

With the support of: Generalitat de Catalunya


Scène Nationale de l’Essonne, Agora-Desnos (FR)


Residencies and creation assistance: Ayuntamiento de Lloret de Mar, Ayuntamiento de St. Esteve de Palautordera, Ayuntamiento de Figueres and Centre Cívic de Porqueres

Creation residence: La Sala - Sabadell, Fira de Teatre al Carrer de Tàrrega and Teatre Municipal de Girona

Wednesday 08 18:30
Wednesday 08 20:30
Thursday 09 17:00
Thursday 09 20:00

Sala Polivalent de La Palma

Thursday: catalan
Friday morning: spanish
Friday afternoon: english




Gratuït amb entrada

Edat Públic

+12 years old