Big Fish is the name of a boat, a rather unusual boat. Its owner, a fisherman, is as silly as his boat. Some say he’s not a real sailor, but it seems that it's all about believing.
And he does! So, he and Big Fish hit the roads in search of the best fishing spots. It’s not just any fishing, but fishing on dry land, where you don’t necessarily catch fish.
It’s a rather poetic, absurd, visual fishing with a hint of madness. And “as every fisherman knows, there are always surprises, excitement and suspense”.
Follow Big Fish on his wanderings, and maybe you’ll be lucky enough to assist a fishing trip.
Itinerary show - Circus – Suitable for all publics - Length of stopovers 10 minutes
- Artist: Loïc del Egido
- Original music: Yoann Launay
Friday 10 17:30
Saturday 11 10:00
Saturday 11 16:00
Plaça de Mercadal
Edat Públic
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