“Ákri” is a Greek word that translates as threshold or limit. It forms the first part of the compound word “ακροβασία” (acrobatics). This can be translated as “walking on the edge” or “walking on the threshold”.
Ákri is a circus solo featuring an acrobat and a stair that plays with the concepts of threshold, limit and edge. The stair which is a circus apparatus and a stage setting at the same time, represents a passage zone between two spaces while symbolizing a profession and a way of life. How do we experience the time that passes between two moments? How do we inhabit these non-places that, like a stair, are not meant to be inhabited? How do we walk along the threshold?
The uniqueness of the project lies in the blending of disciplines: theater, object manipulation, acrobatic movement, and clowning.
Always seeking irony and simplicity, Manel Rosés, is an acrobat born in Barcelona. He is a co-founder of the Soon Circus Company and has worked with companies such as Circo EIA, Cirque du Soleil, and Escarlata Circus.
- Original idea: Manel Rosés Moretó
- Acrobat on stage: Manel Rosés Moreto
- Sound technician and space sound cocreation: Diego Rada Antoñanzas
- External gaze: Roberto Magro and Joan Català
- Musical creation and sound space: Lluís Casahuga and Enric Bartomeu
- Scenography and equipment: Ullrich Weigh
- Lighting design: Luis Portillo Vallet
- Artistical collaborations: Stefano D'Argenio, Fabriazio Giannini, Gina Vila Bruch and Marta Monistrol
- Photography: Marta Garcia Cardellach and Clara Pedro
- Costumes: Eli Meoz
- Distribution: MònicaDeGira
Creation assistance: La Central del Circ / Festival Danseu leș Piles / Cardant Cultura can Grau.
El Canal de Salt
Roca Umbert Fabrica de les arts / La Cascade / Ateneu 9Barris / Teatre l'Artesà del Prat / C.I.N.E Sineu / Teatre de Salt
Teatre Fortuny
8 € / 6 €
+ 4 years old