R.A.R. Relationships, Authenticity and Risk
RAR transmits a message of courage in the face of the difficulties of being yourself. An apocalyptic proposal where Balusca saves the emotion of risk and its adrenaline to tell an imaginary story of personal improvement.
RAR is a human relationship expressed through movement, with the circus, gestural theater and humor as tools of expression. The reality of two characters who share a destroyed world where only they remain. A universe where there are no social codes that define: neither human relationships, nor the way of living.
RAR puts the spotlight on those aspects that are not normally shown at first appearance. In those parts that are not pleasant but that are also part of human relationships. You have to read between the lines of the relationship that hides behind the conflictive appearance of the characters, since it scares and alienates. But as the show progresses we understand its universe and realize that appearances can be deceiving.
- Original idea: Cía Balusca
- Acrobats and performers: Marc Muñoz and Núria Puig
- External view: Pau Portabella and Pablo Ibarluzea
- Technical direction: Iker Donoso
- Costumes: Paullette San Martín
- Scenography: Boris Ordeix
- Accomplices and contributors: Sonia Fernández y Albert Ubach
Coproduced with Festival Circada of Sevilla and the Association Tub d’assaig 7,70 of Terrassa.
With the support of OSIC from Generalitat de Catalunya
Plaça de la Cultura de la Pau
+ 6 years old