

COFAE was founded in 2006 and brings together the main performing arts fairs in Spain and currently has 19 associated fairs. As a third sector organization, it aims to fulfill its objectives as a public service, promoting coordination, training, collaboration, communication and dissemination actions of the fairs as spaces for professional meetings and commercial exchange. A space for reflection that stimulates the dynamization of the performing arts markets and maintains a firm commitment to the promotion of the professional performing arts sector.


CircoRED is the Federation of Circus Professional Associations of Spain, formed by the autonomous associations that currently exist: Andalusian Circus Association (ACA), Catalonian Circus Professional Association (APCC), Valencian Community Circus Professional Association (APCCV), Galician Circus Professional Association (APCG), Madrid Circus Professionals, Artists and Creators Association (MADPAC), Cantabrian Circus Professional Association (ACPC), Aragonese Circus Professional Association (CARPA), Basque Zirko Elkartea (EZE), Murcia Region Circus Professional Association (APCM), Balearic Islands Circus Professional Association (APCIB), Canary Islands Circus Association (APCIC), Castile and León Circus Professional Association (CCLAP) and Extremaduran Circus Professional Association (APCEX). CircoRED represents the circus professionals' association sector before institutions at the state level to promote the flow of information, communication and knowledge about the current circus between the different territories.

APCC | Associació de Professionals del Circ de Catalunya

The purpose of the APCC is to disseminate and standardize the circus, to grow the profession and promote a greater presence of the circus in culture and society. To achieve this, it acts in the fields of dialogue with administrations, training, creation, production, fiscal and labor frameworks, exhibition circuits, dissemination and historical heritage. On the one hand, it analyzes the needs of the circus and works to achieve professional improvements and public recognition for the entire sector and, on the other, it regularly provides all members with current information for the exercise of their profession. All members also benefit from the constant work of disseminating and promoting the circus that is carried out by the entity.

ACE | Acción Cultural Española

Acción Cultural Española is a public entity dedicated to promoting and promoting the culture and heritage of Spain, inside and outside its borders, through a wide program of activities and initiatives that encourage the mobility of professionals and creators.

The Quebec Office in Barcelona

The Quebec Office in Barcelona, ​​​​established in 1999, offers services to the sectors of economy and public and cultural affairs; it also deals with implementing bilateral cooperation between Quebec and Catalonia, and between Quebec and the Basque Country. Its action extends to the entire Iberian Peninsula (Spain, Portugal and Andorra).

MICC | Marché International de Cirque Contemporain 

The International Contemporary Circus Market (MICC) produced by TOHU brings together professionals from all over the world linked to the creation, planning and exhibition of contemporary circus.

CirC | Catalan Rings

Catalan Circus International Rings is the internationalization measure coordinated by the APCC within the framework of the second Catalan Circus Promotion Plan. It aims to develop and strengthen the international projection of Catalan circus, promoting the different facets, tools, agents and profiles that make it possible, while promoting international connections and relationships that can last over time. The measure proposes four axes of work for the period 2024-2026. These axes, complementary to each other, translate into the creation and consolidation of relationships with professionals in Europe, the projection of shows and artists, the training and creation of new professional profiles that help with international distribution and the consolidation of the APCC as an articulating agent of the sector at an international level.

Pla d'impuls del circ de Catalunya | Catalan Circus Promotion Plan

The second Catalan Circus Promotion Plan 2023-2026 is an initiative of the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Association of Professionals of the Circus of Catalonia (APCC), which has the collaboration of the Ateneu Popular 9 Barris, the Center for the Arts of the Circus Rogelio Rivel, Encirca’t, Fira Trapezi, the Central del Circ, the Mercat de les Flors and the complicity of several municipalities, entities and scenic facilities in Catalonia. It includes 15 measures that respond to the following strategic objectives: promoting and strengthening research, investigation and innovation; promoting creation and production; creating circuits; strengthening the projection and dissemination at the state and international; structure and regulate training; support specific facilities and entities in the sector; promote professionalization and specialization; disseminate and promote circus in civil society and develop projects related to sustainability and accessibility.

La Central del Circ

La Central del Circ is a space for creation, research, training, rehearsal and continuing education for professional circus artists of all backgrounds and disciplines, which is part of the Barcelona City Council's network of Creation Factories, and receives the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya. It works to support circus arts and accompany artistic projects in the areas of creation, management, production and dissemination, generating synergies with other arts and promoting interrelation through networks at the local, national and international levels.


The Association of Performing Arts Distribution and Management Companies (ADGAE) is the only association of distributors that brings together professionals from all over Spain. Created in 2021, its mission is to: “Represent, defend and make Distribution visible”. At ADGAE we demand a professional profile that is knowledgeable about the environment and the particularities of the sector in all the phases that a show goes through from its conception to its final destination. We defend the professional who is rigorous and committed to the artistic event. ADGAE is part of the organizing committee of Mercartes, FEAGC, the State Council of Culture, the monitoring committee of PLATEA and the Professional Platform for Performing Arts and Music.

La Grainerie and Consorci Erasmus+

La Grainerie is an approved stage for art and creation and a factory for circus arts and itinerancy dedicated to strengthening the circus sector in Occitania. It is a place of effervescence where a real resource has been established for artists, technicians, administrators: training spaces, creation and dissemination, manufacturing and storage, offices... Since autumn 2020, it has had the title of European Production Pole awarded by the Ministry of Culture.

Xarxa Transversal | Projecte EKO

The cross-border project EKO - Pyrenees of circus, brings together 14 training, creation and programming structures of shows between 2024 and 2027 to develop the capacities and skills of cross-border circus actors in order to carry out an ecological transition combining training, creation and experimentation, in particular with new forms of mobility. The 14 partners are: La Grainerie (project leader), APCC / La Central del Circ, Bilbao City Council, Huesca City Council, Consorci Transversal, Provincial Council of Álava, Provincial Council of Huesca, El Canal / Salt City Council, Ésacto Lido'Pro, Government of Aragón, Malandain Ballet Biarritz, Occitanie en Scène, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, Ville d'Hendaye. EKO - Pirineus de Circ is an Interreg cooperation project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union through the POCTEFA program.