Ultra-modern, pop-punk juggling.
Surrounded by huge inflatable blue structures and accompanied by electro beats composed of distorted rollercoaster sounds, Wes Peden performs original tricks inspired by rollercoasters and their high-tech seatbelts. A spinning plate ceremony becomes a celebration of the great rides of the past; an epic 3 ball disco juggling evokes the evolution of rollercoasters; a 4-meter transparent tube turns into a path around Wes’ body to make balls flow through loops, helixes, and corkscrews.
Rollercoaster twists theatrical rules to create a safe space place to perform some of the most difficult and unique juggling ever done on stage!
- Direction & performance: Wes Peden
- Music: Original music by Mika Forsling
- Set design: inflatable structures by Félix Chameroy
- Lighting Design: Vilhelm Montán Lindberg, Joel Johansson & Zoe Hunn
- Light and sound operator: Florence Schroeder
- Costumes: Maria Peterson
- Outside eye: Florence Schroeder and Viktor Gyllenberg
- Tour Booking and administration: Gandini Juggling
- Images: Fahimeh Hekmatandish
Rollercoaster is produced by Wes Peden and Gandini Juggling
Funded by: Stockholms Stad and Konstnärsnämndens, Sweden.
With the support of: Riksteatern, Subtopia, Burnt Out Punks, Cirkusflätan, NyCirkus Öst and Agora, Sweden.
Teatre Bartrina
8 € / 6 €
+ 8 years old