Detectives without much investigative ability unfold a variety of talents in a continuous passage from one absurdity to the next. Two trench coats, an arrow, a horse, tango in capillary suspension, many accidents, juggling and a human piñata. From beginning to end, “INKOGNITO” involves you in their camouflaged games, with which you wont know whether to laugh or hold your breath.
Cia. Express is a collaboration between Estefanía Flores (Mexico) and Jannick Lüthi (Switzerland). It is driven by the vision and professional commitment of two young acrobats who seek new forms of expression, new scenic spaces and easy access to contemporary circus for the widest possible diversity of people.
Cia. Express explores the lightness and basic humor of the life that exists, from the most ordinary to the most absurd.
- Artists: Estefania Flores / Jannick Lüthi
- External gaze: Caroline Dream and Roi Borrallas
- Costumes / Scenography: Nina Gonzales, CIA. Express
- Videos and photography: Caterina Angeloni, Agustin Hurtado and Txus Garcia
- Original idea: CIA. Express
- General production: CIA. Express
- Coproduction: CIRCADA, Feria Palma del Rio
- Collaborators: Cronopis espai de circ, Ateneu
Plaça del Mercadal
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